My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series by hands of Kōhei Horikoshi. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they have become commonplace. But He still dreams of becoming a superhero himself.
It is been almost six years has passed since My Hero Academia’s first episode broadcasted! and it is still holding its position in best-selling manga and one of the best mainstream anime. It’s no wonder why because Bone studio been doing their work perfectly! and treating us with anime adaptation of My Hero Academia manga.
According to recent reports, My hero academia is sucessfully holding its position in best manga sales chart. There is surprise about the success of Horikoshi’s work. It is indeed one of the best mainstream anime right now with a huge fan base.
Also Play: Can You Guess MHA Characters By Emoji?
Time to get back to our quiz! time to find out your My Hero Academia sibling. Just scroll little down and tap on “let’s play” to play the personality quiz.
- Question of
If you were in anime, what hair color would you want to have?
- Black
- Green
- Pink
- Blond
- Red
- Brown
- White
- Question of
Are you the quiet, shy kid in class or the one that’s always talking?
- The one that’s always talking!
- The quiet kid!
- Neither
- I am always horny
- I am always trying to make bonds
- Question of
What describes your personality?
- Caring, sweet
- quiet, smart
- cute, but deadly
- shy, loving
- Always horny
- Dumb, always talking
- Question of
How Would you describe your siblings? (If you don’t have any siblings, then just do cousins.)
- Pervert
- They look up to me!
- Sometimes they are annoying, but i love em
- They are always mean to me
- They always defend me
- They are my sweet beans
- I look up to them
- They are great friends
- Question of
You’re going on vacation! Where do you wanna go?
- The beach
- A theme park
- Camping
- A foreign country
- The anime world
- Other
- Question of
Who are you in your group of friends?
- Nerd
- Leader
- Always joking around
- Always guiding them
- Motivator
- Pervy one
- No one notice me, sadly
- Question of
How many siblings do you have? (Including your cousins)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 0
- Question of
Ahemmm, how much money does your family have?
- Not really much
- Lot actually
- Average
- I wanna earn more and help them
- No idea
- Seriously i dont know
- Question of
What do you think of your parents?
- Cool
- I love them, but sometimes they are over protective
- Just hate them
- They the best, zamnnn
- Im okay
- ahhh, i don’t really hate them but also dont love them
- Question of
Alright my buddiess! You did well, this is the end now. Have a nice day y’all!
- Fianlllyy
- Bye!
- Whatever, can i leave now
- Thanks for the quiz!
- Will meet again!
- TaTaKaE
- Eren Yeageaaaaaarr ErEhhhhhhh