On Thursday, a post by the now-suspended X/Twitter account “@therealwilsn” caused quite a stir online. The user allegedly shared a list containing usernames and passwords for “Crunchyroll Premium” accounts.
The post quickly gained attention, with some users confirming in the comments that their account information was included in the leaked list.
The news spread rapidly on social media, raising concerns among Crunchyroll subscribers about the security of their accounts.
Many began questioning whether Crunchyroll’s systems had been compromised and what steps the platform was taking to address the issue.
In response to the growing speculation, Crunchyroll released an official statement to Anime News Network on Friday. The company assured fans that the situation had been addressed and their systems remained secure.
Crunchyroll’s statement reads:“We are aware that login credentials for several streaming services, including Crunchyroll, were posted on social media and have resolved the issue. We have secured the affected accounts, investigated the situation and determined that there is no evidence that Crunchyroll’s systems have been compromised. Crunchyroll encourages subscribers to diversify and change passwords regularly and keep them confidential. For any questions regarding account security, fans can visit our Customer Service Help Page.“
The account “@therealwilsn,” responsible for the leak, has since been suspended from X/Twitter. This action has helped stop further spread of the alleged account information.
While Crunchyroll has resolved the issue, it serves as a reminder for subscribers to regularly update their passwords and prioritize account security. Crunchyroll fans can rest assured that the platform is taking steps to protect its users and maintain a secure streaming experience.
Source: ANN