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Find Out: Who is Your Sensei in Naruto?

Kakashi hokage, sensei in naruto quiz

Sensei, teacher, role model, the person who trains you, watches out for you, and constantly tries to make you buy lunch. There are a lot of excellent shinobi, but the greatest ones are those that were called sensei.

Masashi Kishimoto’s series Naruto:Shippuden is a popular anime/manga based on traditional shinobi, or ninja. The series’ main antagonist is the criminal organization Akatsuki, whose main goals is to capture all nine of the tailed beasts like Naruto to achieve world domination. A world completely dependent on their power that will know their pain.

All of the sensei in Naruto are fairly powerful, as expected from a group of people! Who are meant to bring up the next generation of ninjas. Each of them has their own particular specialty! Which makes them better suited to teach some students over others, but when they step into an actual battle, it’s clear just how strong many of them are.

Also Play: Check Out Which Akatsuki Member Are You!

Whether you plan to be a calculating kunoichi or a hot-blooded spy. You can take the personality quiz below! To help determine who would be the ideal character to guide you along your Ninja Way. We made this Personality quiz to let you find out which sensei is perfect for you. It is just a simple quiz in which you have to select option you prefer the most. That’s it! just scroll little down and tap on “Let’s play: to start playing “Who is Your Sensei in Naruto?” quiz.

  • Question of

    As a ninja, how important is it to obey the rules and respect tradition?

    • Very Important
    • Somewhat Important
    • Neither Important nor unimportant
    • Not important in the slighest
  • Question of

    How often and how hard do you train to perfect your ninja skills?

    • Every sing day, until im ready to collapse
    • I train daily but rely on my natural talent more
    • I train infrequently but when i do i dedicate myself entirely to the task.
    • I train when necessary
  • Question of

    What class of missions do you think you’re most suited for?

    • A-class mission!
    • Any mission for village
    • Anything D-class or above
    • Down for any mission Hokage has to offer
    • Most comfortable with B-Class and C-class mission
  • Question of

    Your squad is being pursued by enemy shinobi. What do you do?

    • Try to evade them with trickery and well-placed traps
    • Try to escape while minimizing causalities for you squad.
    • Try to escape and ask for backup
    • Turn and face them
    • Plan a strategy right away
  • Question of

    What is your strongest quality?

    • I never give up
    • I keep cool head under pressure
    • I always consider the bigger picture
    • I have tremendous innate talent
  • Question of

    Your village is under attack. How best can you help during the crisis?

    • I can lead the con-combatants to safety
    • I can take the fight to the enemy
    • I can establish a chain of command and coordinate a counter-offensive
    • Im joining the battle field
  • Question of

    What is your greatest weakness?

    • Sometimes i can’t control my emotions
    • Sometimes im afraid to lose the ones i love
    • I think im overconfident
    • i can’t fight head on
  • Question of

    During a vital mission, one of your squad-mates is captured. What do you do?

    • Attempt to rescue them immediately
    • Attempt to rescue them, then complete the mission
    • Complete the mission first, then attempt to rescue them
    • Leave them to fend for themselves. They’ll probably be okay.
  • Question of

    What is your favorite color?

    • Blue
    • Green
    • Red
    • Silver
    • Yellow
  • Question of

    The quiz is over

    • Hooray!!
    • Who cares
    • My foot tastes funny
    • I’ll go cut myself
    • No im just dumb

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