The long-running Vinland Saga manga by Makoto Yukimura is approaching its end after nearly two decades of captivating storytelling.
On Friday, December 20, 2024, the author announced via a tweet on X (formerly Twitter) that the manga would conclude soon. While Yukimura is committed to delivering a satisfying conclusion for readers, he admitted that it is impossible to please everyone with the ending.
In October 2024, Akira Kanai, the manga’s editor, shared some thoughts about the series’ conclusion. Kanai highlighted the challenge of crafting an ending for such a profound story, stating, “An ending in which a young Viking discovers the solution to humanity’s greatest problem a thousand years ago is unimaginable. As a mangaka, Makoto Yukimura is decisive, but he doesn’t know how to lie.”
He added that while a happy ending was possible, Yukimura’s vision is likely to take a more realistic and bittersweet approach.
Fans have speculated about the possibility of a happier conclusion if the series had ended with Volume 26. However, Yukimura’s decision to continue beyond that point suggests his desire to explore deeper themes and stay true to the manga’s essence.
Kanai expressed admiration for Yukimura’s commitment, even though it means the story may not end on a cheerful note.
As the manga approaches its final chapter, fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting the outcome of Thorfinn’s journey.
Whether it ends on a happy note or a more somber one, Yukimura’s Vinland Saga is set to leave a lasting legacy as one of the most compelling historical manga of all time.
Source: X