The beloved Ghost of Tsushima franchise is expanding into anime, with the announcement of Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, a new series set to premiere in 2027.
The project is a collaboration between Crunchyroll, Aniplex, Sony Music, and PlayStation Productions, promising to bring the mystical and action-packed world of Tsushima to life in a new medium.
New Visual
Ghost of Tsushima first debuted on the PlayStation 4 in July 2020, quickly becoming one of Sony’s most successful games. Known for its stunning visuals, emotional story, and immersive gameplay, it was later adapted for the PlayStation 5 in 2021 and PC in 2024. The game’s critical and commercial success cemented its place as a modern classic, selling millions of copies worldwide.
In addition to the anime, the franchise is also being adapted into a live-action film. Announced in March 2021, the movie is being developed under Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions.
Chad Stahelski, the visionary director behind the John Wick series, is attached to direct, bringing a cinematic flair to Jin Sakai’s story.
With its 2027 release, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is already generating excitement among fans of the game and anime enthusiasts alike.
The series promises to explore the mythic and supernatural elements of the game’s world, offering a fresh perspective on the Ghost of Tsushima universe.
Fans can expect more updates about the project in the coming months, including trailers and production details.
Source: sony (x account)