Renowned Japanese producer Koichiro Ito, known for his work on iconic anime films such as Your Name, Suzume, and Weathering With You, faced legal troubles in early 2024. His arrest has drawn significant attention and caused widespread concern in the anime community.
In February 2024, Ito was detained following allegations of soliciting explicit images from a minor and week later he was again taken into custody on suspicion of s*xual acts with a 15-year-old girl in exchange for cash.
Now, earlier this week reports from major Japanese news outlets like NHK News and NTV reported that he paid “large amounts of money to more than 100 people, has s*xual relations with them, and filmed and collected the footage.”
The allegations painted a concerning picture of misuse of power and trust, leading to calls for stricter oversight in the entertainment sector.
Adding to the controversy, the prosecution argued that Ito exploited his financial standing for personal gain, describing his actions as calculated and harmful and sought six years in prison. The ongoing trial’s verdict is expected on February 28.
Makoto Shinkai’s statement on this matter:
Makoto Shinkai, the director of Suzume, expressed deep regret over the incident. In a public statement on his X account, Shinkai apologized to those affected and acknowledged the potential impact on fans’ trust in the works associated with Ito.
He stated, “I am very shocked to see the news report of the arrest of the person involved in my works. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the victims. I am also very sorry for the anxiety this incident has caused to those who love and support us. I believe that the value of the work will not be damaged by this incident, but it is only natural that you may feel distrustful. I am very frustrated and saddened by this.”
This case has become a pivotal moment for the anime industry, emphasizing the importance of accountability and ethical behavior among its leaders.
Source: HT