This news came from Kolkata, India. A 12 year old boy died after jumping from the terrace of a tall building in the city Phoolbagan. The boy was trying to recreate a scene from “Platinum End” anime series.
Life is precious it’s not meant to be thrown away on fiction. Biraj Pachisia was his name, a class V student of a city-based school. He jumped off the terrace of an 11 floor residential building on this Saturday.
The Cops came to know that the boy jumped from the roof of his apartment with a hope that he would be saved by an angel as shown in Platinum End anime.
When they say anime is not made for kids, they just say the truth. This shocking incident happened in a city Kolkata, India. Doctors at a private nursing home stated that he died due to the fall. This is not the first time we have seen an incidence like this. 6 years prior to this, similar incidence happened in Japan.
There are many anime that have strict age restriction for watchers because they know the mind of young kids ain’t developed properly to understand peak fiction. Parents should also pay attention on what their kid are watching and if that’s bad for this mental health.