All of you know about the Goated franchise Tokyo Ghoul, which is more popular for its manga rather than the anime adaptation. Just a few days ago the creator of Tokyo Ghoul drew a Tokyo Ghoul crossover image for the Marvel Studios live-action series Moon Knight. In the following comments the creator of Tokyo Ghoul mentioned that Moon Knight might be his all time favourite Marvel super hero.
In the current date, there are many super heroes and some are even became legends like Iron Man, however in the era of praiseworthy super heroes one of the anti-hero from comics is popping out in his own solo Netflix series. We are talking about Moon Knight and the fact that his fanbase is getting bigger day by day after the release of the Netflix series “Moon Knight”.
Here is the visual of Moon Knight by the creator of Tokyo Ghoul:
There is a catch phrase in the middle of the collaboration poster which translates to “Clad in white madness”. The creator found many similarities between Kaneki and Moon Knight’s Steven.
The creator, Ishid, mentioned that Steven from Moon Knight and Kaneki, both have a lot of knowledge in what they’re interested in and have their own dreams, but feel hopeless. All because of their dual personality and none of them like violence.
Moon Knight sure is an interesting marvel Character but what do you think about him? Comment down and share your thoughts, also don’t forget to share this article with your friends.
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