One Piece franchise just released their non canon anime movie named ‘One Piece Film Red’ in the theaters of Japan. As expected, the One Piece Film Red is breaking records their by crossing 1 billion yen (approx 10 Million USD) and becoming the third highest first day box office movie in the history of Japan.
One Piece is a legendary title, one of the oldest running anime and the franchise is still the huge competition for other anime even after its long run.
The hype among fans is still the same as it was before. We can see the record breaking performance of One Piece Red in Japanese theaters and soon it will dominate the international box office.
What more surprising is that One Piece Film Red is a non canon (not follow original story line) movie, meanwhile Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie is an adaptation of a prequel manga written by the mangaka himself, and will be considered part of the series’ canon. Both movies performed really well in their first day.
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie grossed: 1.05 billion Yen
- One Piece Film Red Grossed: 1 Billion Yen
It is crazy to see that anime movie are breaking records and marking their name down the history of Japanese box office.
Talking more about One Piece Film Red, the worldwide release date of the movie will be soon revealed by Crunchyroll and makers of the series.
What are your thoughts on the 1 Billion Yen grossing amount of One Piece Film red in Japan? free to comment down and let us know what do you think, also don’t forget to share this article with your friends.
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